January Antichrist Messages

January Beta Messages are still active if you care to answer. 

Beta Test Questions:

Question 1

1-1-24:      —————————————————-

It has been documented that the Virgin Mary got pregnant with Jesus at the age of 12 or 13. Do you really believe that an Spiritual Angel could have gotten Virgin Mary pregnant some 2000 years ago?

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Question 2

1-2-24:   ———————————————

What kind of god would sacrifice his own son and worst yet would then torture his son on a cross until death to get a message of His supreme power across? Antichrist says show some Mercy, Compassion, and Love for God’s sake. What kind of person would even think of such shit to create a powerful God fearing religion ?  Would you sacrifice your son to start a religion?

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Question 3

1-3-24 ———————————————————-

Moses has an interesting story. First he was an incest baby, his father married his father’s sister. Today that would draw some concerns. His God apparently told him to free God’s Chosen People so they could suffer in a desert for 40 freaking years, nice plan for a God who wanted his chosen people to suffer after they were free. While in the desert Moses goes to the top of a mountain and receives God’s Commandments from a burning bush (wonder who that girl was) then he beings Gods Commandments down from the mountain and throws them into a pit when he saw God’s Chosen People worshiping a golden calf. OMG did he forget the first commandment? Yes, had to go back up mountain for a rewrite.

We welcome your opinion just to see how many people might question the stories in the bible: did lead have anything to do with the killing of the first born?

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Something to think about!

1-30-24 —–Do you really think any prophet was actually talking to a God? Even Jesus only prayed he didn’t have any direct communications with any God. His father had to kill his only begotten son, so they claim: who thinks up this kind of shit. Look at the shit that is going on today we have the Muslims and the Jews fighting as two religions and neither religion has any power to stop the killing of his or her so called followers. What the hell is the point of any supreme being allowing the killing of his or her followers? The question becomes does any religion have a heaven: all are religious bull shit stories so try one here. Why would any reasonable God punish his or her followers just to see if they are worthy to serve his or her silly ass? Fuck, serve your fellow neighbors not some fantasy God. The fantasies, often called trips, by these prophets is just a myth of a higher power and the prophets’ imagined thoughts are based on a belief that there really is a God who can’t talk and sends only revelations. Sorry people this is the only hell and heaven you are ever going to see. Franke officially took the name of thee Beast 666 because some people really believe there a Beast 666 coming. Be careful though the mark of beast or tracking device is something a world government will use to control everything you do and believe. If you don’t follow their fucking rules, you will suffer their consequences just like any powerful supreme ruler would do and speak. The movie The Humanity Bureau scared the hell right out of me so we must stop these elite mfers now if we have any common sense because this story could be right around the corner with AI. As thee antichrist I have no communication with any God but if one is ever powerful enough to communicate being it on and loud enough so everyone can hear you. All the religious shit about the antichrist is so fucking stupid it’s hard to believe so many wish it all to be true. 

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